Monday, January 31, 2011

Wear This Shirt 3.1415 days from Pi Day to St Patricks Day

St Patricks Day & Pi Day Combination T Shirt

Pi is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle (the distance around the circle) to its diameter (its width). The value of Pi begins 3.141592653..... and continues forever.

Since 3.14 is the 14th of the third month of March this day, March 14 is celebrated by math enthusiasts around the world as Pi Day.

Take Pi Day and add the value of Pi in days and what do you get? Yes - it's St Patrick's Day, March 17th.

So there's a bit of truth in the equation on the T Shirt.

St Patricks Day - Pi Day = Pi days

For those of you who start your St Patrick's Day celebrations on Pi Day three days earlier, this dual celebration T shirt is one that will draw attention.